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Man-Made Solar Shield
This dream happened a long time ago. I don't remember how long, because it's been so long. But, it sticks in my brain like it happened yesterday. I don't remember how the dream starts, and I don't recall any specific dates in the dream. I will try to recall all of the dream, despite the lack of dates.
Here we go:
I was living in a HOT Earth. There was severe heat that was plaguing the entire planet. The heat had become so intense, that people all over the planet were dying at a rapid rate. They were dying so rapidly, that a specific burial had become the norm. People were placed in black body bags, and loaded onto rafts, which were floated down major rivers and waterways, into the ocean. These rafts would hold about 5-10 body bags, each. Death was EVERYWHERE. I remember awakening on one of these rafts, but I was not in a body bag. I removed myself from the raft, somehow, and found myself in a slum-type portion of a city. I remember being with someone, I don't know who, and asking them how we were supposed to fix the over-heating Earth problem. The person I was with told me that we needed to speak to this old Chinese guy that lived deep in the slums, and he would hold the secret. I made my way to this Chinese elder. As I spoke with this elder, he told me that there was a man-made shield that had been constructed around the planet, to reflect solar energy that was causing global warming. However, this shield technology had backfired, and was causing the planet to actually heat up faster and more intensely than it had been without the shield. The only way to save the planet, and all of it's people, was to get Hulk Hogan's son to go into orbit, and physically bring down the shield. (why Hulk Hogan's son, I will never freaking know.) So, I left the elder's shop, and sought down the Hogan family. Once I found them, I convinced Hogan's son that he needed to board a space shuttle, enter the ISS, and do a spacewalk to dismantle the shield. Once he agreed to it, I saw him start his spacewalk. The shield around the planet was made of some super-light material, that kinda resembled an ultra-thin plastic, or like...bubbles. Hogan's son floated toward the shield, and simply popped it, just like a bubble. Once he penetrated it, the whole thing collapsed, thus saving the planet.

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Man-Made Solar Shield - by BlueMagneticEagle - 08-26-2014, 10:04 PM

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