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Ponderosa lemons to make lemonade
Based on a prior dream, I intentioned to dream about steps I needed to take in order to be more accurate in my intentions so I could get better results.
In my dream, I am in the kitchen of what is apparently my grandfater-in-law. My two brothers and my wife are with me. I don't know why but I think of the figure at the kitchen table as my grandfather-in-law. It is not my wife's grandfather that I have met, and I've never heard anything about her other grandfather. I never get a really good look at this figure.
My older and younger brother have both poured glasses of water out. There is very little water left in the pitcher, and I fill up my glass as much as possible. It is not actually water, but is soda water, which I drink.
I notice through the window that there is a tree in the back left corner of the backyard. It has large yellow fruits on it, which I recognize as being ponderosa lemons. I myself have a ponderosa lemon tree in my backyard, and frequently juice the lemons so I can make a form of homemade lemonade out of them.
I see there are multiple ripe lemons on the tree. I think to ask my grandfather-in-law if I can take some of the lemons home with me. In addition I want to pick a lemon so I can juice it and put it into my drink, along with some stevia. I was going to call my grandfather-in-law "Grandpa", but for some reason my wife does not approve of me using that term for him.
At this point I notice that a pitcher that was in front of me is now full. It is soda water once again, I say to my brother "oh, you made some more", knowing that this was done with a soda stream, something else that I have. I pour myself a full glass, and think that I need to add lemon juice and stevia to make it right.
I took this dream to mean that I should drink lemon soda prior to going to bed, or possibly that I should drink that or something else instead of drinking a glass of wine so I could improve my results. I had read the "ingestion" forum the day before having this dream in addition to doing the intention.

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Ponderosa lemons to make lemonade - by MTB_Forums - 08-28-2014, 01:38 AM

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