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Earth Transcends
I saw the earth, and it was rotating. On it little lights starting sprouting, like birthday candles. the light was flickering like candles. They sprouted at an enormous rate and soon covered the earth. The earth then seemed to rise through layers of fluid, like layers of different density liquids, like how oil floats on water. It floated up through one layer, then another, then another and reached a layer (density?) nobody thought it could ever go to. And the light got brighter. I decided to interact with the vision, and spun the light on the earth when it got the level it wanted, and the whole earth glowed white, then a white golden glow. It was beautiful and radiant and it seemed like it was bringing the world of form in the highest realms of formlessness, something nobody expected. There was a sense of awe and astonishment in the universe. Nobody expected this.

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Earth Transcends - by Finite Statist Machine - 09-07-2014, 03:40 AM

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