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As I was falling asleep around midnight September 6, 2014 I set the intention to dream about significant events to occur within the last three weeks of September. In the usual layering of thoughts I recall thinking I would like to see "headlines" or news feature previews. I guess I took that in a relatively literal way as I had a series of "dream bytes". They were very short, primarily featured one word and were probably metaphoric. The bad news is that in the short moment of time it took me to recall the images and wake up enough to record the dreams I lost all but one of them. That is very unusual for me once I set a visual clip from them. I am documenting the single one I remember so far for only one reason... a structural image mimics a structural image from my last documented dream. There is a large stone floor or platform, ancient. It isn't anchored or set in a landscape, it's just "there" as if floating or between places. It's maybe 80 to 100 foot square and on each corner there is a built up, pointed turret or tower shape that extends above and below the square floor. There is a crowd of people standing on it, dressed drably, monotone. Most are gathered to the far end of the floor, there are stragglers further forward... one young man stands in the center by himself looking upward, the others are silent waiting for him to "speak". He says one word, well he doesn't actually say it but more like he "is" the word and that word was, "re-evaluate". I am documenting this only because the featured structure is the same shape as the UFO in my previous "cover up" dream.

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re-evaluate - by Rae22 - 09-07-2014, 10:19 AM

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