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Unsuccessful Protest P1__01
Started my sleep cycle with the intention to dream about a significant headline involving an upcoming "unsuccessful protest" in connection with the P1__01 project.

As a side note, my husband reports my sleep was very restless to the point he was worried I might fall from the bed. He considered waking me, but did not. I guess he assumed I would wake before I tumbled over the edge of the bed. He was correct.

Despite having ample opportunity to remember dreams, what I remember was benign. My dreams all revolved around the same types of images. The first, I was on an aircraft flying to Florida. There was a checklist, very organized, asking questions about service, my flying experience, my quality of life. The survey was very sensory, like it measured smell and taste, in addition to experiences. Every dream after it was another list of questions, no longer in the air but in various places like Texas and Chicago, but no demonstrations, no signs of violence of any kind. Just questions. Lots of questions. And all very organized as if coordinated by a very efficient market research firm.

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Unsuccessful Protest P1__01 - by Tessie - 09-07-2014, 10:26 AM

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