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Look and Pay attention!
My dream was like flipping through tv channels, small snippets but all of them that I can remember had something for me to see. It was more like someone wanting me to see these things and get my attention to ponder them all.

In the first part I walk out of a bedroom down a hallway into a living room with plenty of windows. I can see a storm outside with just unbelievable amounts of lighting strikes hitting all over the place.

The next part, I wake up in a living room with green tiles on all the walls. Some sleeping relatives and I are watching tv though I don't remember what was on tv. We then make a stringed instrument with some random stuff lying around and we make music and are very happy.

Then the next part, I wake up in a living room, this one is carpeted and brown. The tv is on and again relatives are around me. We seem to be really transfixed on the tv but I cannot remember what we were watching. My nephew awakes and asks for help getting up and to the restroom.

I see more things, but I cannot remember them. There were very many.

I wake up in bed and tell my girlfriend all about my dream and how something wants my attention. Then short snippets of crazy patterns, colors, then I hear a knock at my door. Again all as if to say, look, look! pay attention! Wake up!

Then I wake up for real but I am intirely unsure if I am in reality for a moment because these dreams just kept on coming. My girlfriend was fast asleep.

I text my nephew, whos dreams seem to be tangent with a few points in my dreaming, if he just had any weird dreams. Sure enough, minutes later he texts me that he had a dream where a person was yelling at him to pay attention, do this and that. The person he couldn't see but the person had a book. The person was an adult male.

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Look and Pay attention! - by maxx786 - 09-09-2014, 03:10 AM

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