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Workers Covered in Hazardous Suds
Unfortunately, I forgot much of this dream, but here's the pieces I recall

The day was sunny and warm (70's). I was outside with a small group of people working on some type of project, I don't recall the specifics. I did not recognize the area, seemed rather flat, perhaps small hills, only observed 1 large building (reminded me of an old college building), the rest was open land.

We were dressed casually, jeans and t-shirts or other short sleeved knit shirts. As part of the effort, 2 of the young ladies took some piece of the project and moved it away from the others. I felt like they moved it down a slight incline to a flat concrete area perhaps 50 feet away from the others. The two young ladies appeared to be about 20 years old, give or take a couple years. Both were slim, Caucasian, with brown hair. One had her hair loose, to her shoulders, the other had shoulder length wavy hair pulled back and secured with an elastic band at the upper back of her head, and resembled Keira Knightley (Pirates of the Caribbean movie).

The two were crouched down on the concrete working on the project, when suddenly, a huge amount of white suds ensued. They continued to work, but when I turned around and observed this, I became very alarmed, and yelled that they needed to rinse off immediately as the suds were dangerous (caustic). The words that went through my head were borac, boric, borax., some 'b' word. One had very little exposure to the suds, the other (Keira), was covered with suds, including her head and around her eyes. She seemed quite stunned when I yelled, and didn't move. The other girl moved quickly to a large brick multi-storied building perhaps 100 feet away, and found an outdoor faucet and started to strip and rinse. I do not recall what 'Keira' did, or if the others hustled her off for rinsing.

I then woke up from my dream, and thought darned, that had nothing to do with 'covered in white', then I thought over the dream again and realized the suds are white.

I tried to get back into the dream, to determine 'who what where'.

The word 'Ro' flashed in my mind and it changed into 'Roche'. It appeared on a brown wooden laser cut board edged in medium colored blue; I think the letters were the same color of blue.

I continued to try to get back into the dream. The name 'Catherine' flashed in my mind.

Again tried. What I thought was a location name flashed in my mine, unfortunately I cannot remember the name. I think it was '--XX', meaning 2 letters followed by xx and then more letters.

Also heard 'time will kill', and I assume that meant the suds were somehow poisonous.

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Workers Covered in Hazardous Suds - by Iris - 09-10-2014, 07:45 AM

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