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2014 September 13, AM


Intention: How matters concerning the galactic core fit into headlines coming in the next two weeks of September, 2014

I start as an observer, there is a big cube or box. From a distance it seems it's massive, like a square moon. I shift to the cube but now it is a big structure or huge building type thing made of of many thousand units. I think of it being like "Lego" blocks. Each block is a separate place-city-culture-world maybe. When I get to the main office section to ask where we are going, (I am now a participant in the dream) I look for a bulletin board for a schedule and calendar. There is an archer walking around a ledge on the perimeter of the room (probably an incubated metaphor as I am a Sagittarian as well as it being the core location) and he shows me a clock on the floor says 6:22 and tells me "it's there because you needed it, it's of no use here" and it was gone again. I asked for "the calendar" and he didn't understand what I was saying and replied "This is the kitchen". I was in another area, I was carrying a large, closed umbrella. There are people milling around. I try to find a spot to hang the umbrella up but the walls are too far away. Someone says you can't tell, it doesn't stop long enough to recognize it and greet it. I'm asking "greet who?" but no one hears me. I'm in the way there. I hear "we need more cooks. We can't bake without bakers. Someone has to also cook so we can bake." I don't remember all the words but it was going between cooks and bakers (people in white). It wasn't urgent but said just as a fact with no consequence. I was in another spot then, no walls, changing scenes and colors. There are boxes and boxes of packets of sewing patterns. I ask out loud which ones we are using now and something says none of them, these are the patterns they tried already. It's a history and they don't work anymore. I'm in a big stone factory building now with machines, some are sewing I think it must be interesting to see what comes out the other end. I hear bells or chimes that wake me up.

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Sagittarius - by Rae22 - 09-13-2014, 06:56 AM

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