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Nature Upheaval
Before dreaming, I was in the family room with my husband, 2:30am. The tv was on, lights were off, my husband was working on his laptop, and I was dozing in a recliner.

In my dream, I awoke and went to the bathroom. As I entered the room, I noticed an unusual gurgling sound coming from the toilet, as though air was bubbling up. I turned on the light switch, but the light did not come on. I started to ask my husband if there was some problem with the electricity, although the tv was still working (so maybe a circuit breaker issue). Then suddenly I experienced a strong sense of vertigo. I noticed nothing was crashing, this was not an earthquake, but some other type of upheaval.

This dream seemed unusually real; I awoke a bit confused and briefly had difficulty determining reality vs. dreamworld.

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Nature Upheaval - by Iris - 09-15-2014, 08:05 AM

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