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More New Power
For some reason the only part of the dream I remember is suddenly knowing that I have the ability to go through metal fences (not just anything like doors and windows, but specifically fences that have metal wires.) My first fence had no barbs in it, and I went bent over such that my head would also have to go through, and started pressing my body through. It went through it pretty easy, although there was a little bit of resistence in the wire. I noticed it.

Then I went along in the dream (can't remember anything else about the dream), but at some point I was with someone else, and we came along a barbed wire fence. There was no way through except throught the fence. I said, "Ah no problem, I can just go through it." I bent over because there was some metal structure above the barb wires. So I bent over just as in the other fence and began pressing my body through. This time the fence was just a bit uncomfortable. It wasn't painful, but definitely more resistent. In fact, I was roughly half way through when I got stuck momentarily. I muttere to the other person, "No's just my mind's resistence." I quieted the mind again, and easily melded through to the other side of the fence.

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More New Power - by Eagle1 - 09-18-2014, 08:32 AM

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