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Given a gift of the galaxy
I was with a small group but I never saw their faces. They were always behind me just out of sight. We were in a city I know the name of but the buildings were definitely not from there. I think I was showing the group around. At one point we are outside a building and a type of carnival was going on. It had a festive air to it. There were a lot of people enjoying the carnival, both kids and adults equally. I remember seeing a very large tree, tall with a lot of branches (perhaps oak) with ropes hanging from it. There were people dangling from the ends of the ropes being held in some type of harness around their torso (It reminded me of the ride at Disneyland that kind of looks like a maypole. There is a central pole with cables attached. There are Disney characters at the end of the cables and people sit in them. When the ride gets going the characters lift up and its like you're flying). They were being swung around and they were laughing and smiling. They were having so much fun! You could see the wonder in their eyes. In the dream I was kind of puzzled when looking at everyone. Anyway, now I'm in a moving thing with my group. We are going really fast! The ride is too smoothe to be a car; I don't know what we're in but there is no roof or windows. I'm looking up at the outside of a tall, high-rise building. Gleaming glass and steel. It's strange because instead of just seeing the windows you get glimpses of what is on the inside. Except it's not like the window is gone and you're looking in. Instead, when you look it's like the building melted around the scene so that the walls and everything don't block the view. I remember resting my head on the side of the vehicle I was in and telling my group, "

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Given a gift of the galaxy - by rebeccaS - 09-20-2014, 11:02 AM

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