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Looking Corruption
Sunday September 28, 2014

Brooke wants to show me something. We drive onto a field surrounded by trees. There are maybe a hundred cars parked here, and I can see people walking to one corner of the field. We park, get out, and follow the crowd. It seems like Brooke has done this before, although I have no idea what is going on. We arrive where everyone is collecting and it happens to be a security checkpoint. It's weird though, there is no fence preventing poeple from going around security and there are no machines. Brooke gets me through security. She is laughing and playful, but I feel uneasy- I am here for a very important purpose but I don't know what. My mood is not lighthearted at all. It almost extends to the point where I feel like we could be in danger if people found out why we are here. We are on company time. She brings me (still outside) to talk to some ladies we work with. This woman is trying to show me something, a pattern. She shows me stuff on her computer. I get the feeling that she feels oppressed and helpless, and that she thinks I can save her. Brooke has the opposite mood I do, still playing with me and making me laugh, but I do not laugh to my core. She brings me to a few more people, and I get the same impression. They too try to show me this pattern. I feel akward, like we should be working instead of talking to people. Brooke is helping Deepa when Russ, one of our managers, walks in. The entire dream takes place outside, except for this scene. He sits on a large, circular sink and talks to me. His aura pressures me to get to work, but his words are smooth and calm. We talk for a little while while Brooke and Deepa are working on Deepa's computer. Soon he leaves the way he came and I am outside with everyone else.

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Looking Corruption - by blueDREAM - 09-28-2014, 08:26 AM

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