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Multiple experience-events.
(Notes: Hypnagogic: Continuing morphing of the spontaneous inner-vibrational state, with vibrations now encompassing both arms and hands, place where it was not detected previously.)

Scene #1: Male voice: "Try not to remember, you will be blamed..." with no other recall.

Scene #2: A scene of Samson in a temple, with the columns, walls and ceiling crashing down around him.

Scene #3: Horrible! I am in an unknown setting, rural, and big black dogs with gold stripes, much like pits, had gotten into my barn, with one dog killing my duck named Frencie, in its mouth, having carried the poor duck outside.

Scene #4: A repetitive dream theme, the casino. I receive a "spiritual call" from my friend, Cherokee, and told to meet her in the "casino". It was named Boomtown. The structure was not familiar to me, and it was largely abandoned. I could not find her, and sat down at a series of nickel slots to observe and drink coffee. But, I could not find a waitress or coffee! Two young women walked by and dropped nickels into an adjacent slot machine, purple, black, red and white faced, and hit a big jackpot. They walked away, oblivious. I chased them down to tell them what happened. Then, I went looking for my hot coffee. I found a small restaurant on the grounds, with nobody behind the counter. Walking back, I found Cherokee, and was a little miffed she had not come to find me. She was too busy playing, explaining she "only played machines 16C". The 16C shown to me had an oval red label. I was confused. She got up to find another 16C machine to play. In the meantime, my mother and father strolled in (both crossed over). (Cherokee is among the "living".) I greeted them, and have no further memory. I - then - checked my pocket and could not find my "key". I was frantic. How would I get back?

Two Cosmic Jukeboxes - or "music" - "heard" during AM and PM dreamstates, as per links, below.

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Multiple experience-events. - by kimspirit - 10-01-2014, 08:55 AM

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