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Terrorist Target Suburbia
In this dream, I and my son were in a large home outside a large city. The dream began with news of individual terrorist going into people's homes and killing entire families. I panicked and some how knew the home I was in wasn't safe. I took my son and began looking for a place to hide him or make him safe. We entered a large home with different levels and I began frantically opening closets, looking into vents that I could place him in. After searching, I realized the home we were in wasn't safe, so I brought him to a home where two Muslim children were and they said they would disguise him and keep him safe. When I reluctantly left him, I knew he would have to convert if he wanted to survive and I wondered if the kids I left him with would really keep their word. The dream ended with me feeling confused/regretting leaving him.

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Terrorist Target Suburbia - by heavendreamer - 10-04-2014, 02:30 PM

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