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P1_06 Homage - Storm - Wise One
I was at work in an office building. An esteemed female employee was ill or awaiting surgery and was in the hospital, located on the fourth floor. Several male co-workers, (some were old high school classmates), a few carrying boxes full of items for the ill employee, went to the elevator lobby and pressed the button to go down. After several minutes of waiting, I went to the other side of the lobby to what appeared to be a nurse's station, and pressed a button there. The elevator arrived, as did a nurse.

We then took the elevator to the fourth floor. The ill female employee was there, sitting up in a hospital bed, looking calm and peaceful. Although this was a hospital room, it looked like an upscale hotel suite. The female was Indian (from the country), middle-aged, with shoulder length black hair streaked with grey. (She resembled a local librarian here).

Many people were around here, several busy organizing the gifts that were brought to her. An armoire was overspilling with fine jewelry and elegant clothes, and tables were full of expensive perfume, milled soaps, and spa bath gifts. I recalled that I had given her gold chains, jade pendants, and strings of pearls. The thought flashed through my mind that perhaps she had enough and I could reclaim some of my gifts, but then I thought 'so what, I had plenty'. With the others there I admired four large jade pendants, one of an elephant. I also recall seeing a large light grey exotic leather tote, with various matching clutch and cosmetic bags.

I noticed several dear friends from high school that I had not seen in years. They were very healthy and happy, appeared to be in their 30's, and were energetic and vibrant. We were all pleased to see each other. The weather was warm as they were wearing sleeveless outfits. One was wearing an unusual cape or stole that just covered her shoulders, and it appeared to be made of short sheared fur. As I admired it and stroked my hand over it, I realized it was actually a tightly knit light green material that wrapped around her shoulders several times and zipped up.

My friends said that I was approved to see 'Him', and we would be leaving soon. I was excited as I had prepared for a long time - perhaps years - for this moment, and I perceived 'Him' to be wise, loving, and at peace. They then said we should lay down and take cover, and we rolled our bodies up for protection. We were all wearing unusual hats to protect our heads; mine was a brimless straw hat. We could see fast approaching dark grey, violent looking storm clouds. The storm with high winds, no rain, was quickly upon us and just as quickly over. When we stood up, we were in a furrowed farm field, with trees just beyond. The buildings were all gone, although I did not see any debris. A late afternoon sun was beginning to come out from behind the grey clouds, with streaks of sun shining upon the ground. The air smelled fresh and clean. My friends said it was ok, they had been expecting this storm, and now it was time to go see 'Him'.

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P1_06 Homage - Storm - Wise One - by Iris - 10-05-2014, 04:44 PM

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