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outside the box
This was a kind of absurd little dream and on the surface doesn't seem to have much to do with my intention.

There is no background or location, the image is almost in a void and I'm observing from a short distance and slightly above.

There is a middle aged man dressed in white, a lab coat. He has scruffy hair and is wearing glasses. He is standing behind a huge pile of boxes or cartons. The boxes are rectangular, about a foot long and about four inches high by five wide. They have a lid and each is tied around the middle with a cord. The boxes are assorted bright primary and secondary colors. He is opening the boxes one at a time, looking inside and each one has a word inside. He says the word and then closes the box, sets it back in the pile and piccks up and opens another and is going on like that. I'm not actually hearing the word he says. I become a participant in the dream and I go closer and ask him what words are inside the boxes. He says "oh it doesn't matter which words are in the boxes, it's whatever is left outside of them that matters." I started to ask him another question but I can't remember what it was and I woke in the midle of him saying a word that I recall starting with an "M" but I can't remember the rest.

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outside the box - by Rae22 - 10-20-2014, 09:26 PM

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