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Buying guns
I did not do a specific intention. I can remember that this seemed like a very vivid realistic dream, but after waking up I've lost a lot of the details.

In the dream, I was at some sort of vendor buying thing. There were numerous lanes all side to side, where you would go up to the vendors when it was your turn. There were multiple lines. The merchandise was apparently NRA related in some way, but after getting it I have no idea how.

When I got to the front, I was talking to a couple of guys that I could tell had no idea what they were doing. I asked to get the jacket and the gun, which was apparently some sort of combo sale. My wife had gone to the front of the line in a queue next to me. I guess you couldn't do a group buy.

They brought me the jacket, which was some sort of NRA jacket. The "gun" that they brought me was plastic; it was very large, and was apparently meant to fire tennis balls. I pulled it apart and looked inside, and specifically asked "this is for firing tennis balls?"

I told them I didn't really want either item at that point. My wife had gotten a different gun brought to her, so I then asked the not-too-sharp salesmen to look at that one. They brought me another gun. This one was a replica of an AR-15. It had a sniper site that came off to one side, kind of unusual. Again the whole thing was plastic; upon further examination I could tell that it was some sort of water rifle. It looked pretty realistic until it was in my hands. I think I went ahead and bought the water rifle, just because it looked and felt neat.

My top emotion I think was being frustrated, because as I recall I had to constantly explain to the people behind the counter what it was I wanted to get, even though they were salespeople for only one specific thing and event. I vaguely recall thinking the two salespeople were total idiots. At the end I was happy to get something that I thought was worthwhile. I don't know if it cost anything, I don't recall paying for anything.

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Buying guns - by MTB_Forums - 10-17-2014, 10:42 PM

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