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Static Electricity and European Military Disaster
Snippet 1

I am trying on clothes to buy. I have selected what appears to be the only khaki pants that might fit, so take them toward the front and put them on over some cowboy boots. The length is perfect, maybe just a tiny bit long…dragging just ever so slightly on the ground.

Looks good, except when I walk away from the mirror, it appears that these pants have a lot of static electricity and the more I walk, the higher on my leg the pant bottoms rise up on the boots.

Snippet 2

It's a birthday, but I'm out of money. I don't know if it's my birthday or someone else's. I'm looking for a bottle of wine or beer to celebrate (I've been dry for over 3 years now in real life), but all the stores are sold out, except for super expensive options. I remember it is Friday night.

I'm standing close to vending/bar sort of thing, just contemplating. Someone comes up and offers a temporary job...that of collecting the small green tickets that allow the visitors to do something, not sure what. He says if I collect all the tickets, I receive the standard pay...”17 dollars and 23 cents." I decide to do the job and go around collecting small green tickets.

When I get around the back side and start working my way back, someone with a ticket questions whether I heard about the military base in Europe. They point to imagery on the wall of this base. I see military vehicles parked; I see generators, large light poles, and a couple big buildings. The area in question seems to be a parking lot in front of a main headquarters building.

Somehow all this looks familiar. Although I've never seen this area before, it all looks familiar from a previous dream that I've never dreamed (a dÃjà vu experience from a dream within a dream!)

They are telling me that this area will (xyz)...can't remember what exactly will happen because I was so enamored with trying to figure out how this area looks familiar. I believe the event will be natural in nature (a tornado or sink hole), and the base will be in northern Europe (Netherlands? Germany? something like that)

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Static Electricity and European Military Disaster - by Eagle1 - 10-25-2014, 09:43 AM

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