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Wonders in the Sky
I was with some other people, not sure who they were and we were looking after some children, mainly boys about 10 yrs old. It was night and I looked up into the sky. I saw some lights that were moving around and around then realised I had seen these lights before and told everyone that I had seen them before. The outline of a huge round UFO became visible and slowely two other spaceships became visible too. They were huge and right above us. There were some other single lights also dancing around the sky. Suddenly it was day time and again I looked up into the sky. I could see the outline of huge worms in the sky made out of cloud or smoke. They looked like the Ebola virus. Suddenly the worms dissipated or dissolved into the air and started falling onto the ground. I realised that one of the children had gone missing and couldn't find him anywhere. His name was Liam.

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Wonders in the Sky - by Wide Awake - 10-29-2014, 04:07 AM

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