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Soul contract
I was at a wedding reception at a farmhouse with many guests and it was a very tight fitting and smallish home but as I was moving around meeting people I did not recognize I came by a table where I sat down and there were many folded parchment types of paper with were a darkish sky blue in color and this paper was semi transparent despite it's thickness and these papers were folded so the writing was viewed backwards until unfolded as would any writing and appear proper to read. As I started to look at one in particular I could see the word "YOU" written backwards on this semi transparent archival paper then I unfolded it and noticed it was addressed to me specifically in reference to my "Soul Contract", and I started to read it but then it became blurred and so I folded it back up and placed it into my pocket. I didn't unfold any of the other blue parchments that were there lying on the table, at first I thought they were invitations of some kind until I opened the one addressed to me.

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Soul contract - by thalidomay - 11-02-2014, 03:04 PM

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