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Global War - WW3
Have you yet been privey to the real estate report that, dangme I think is just a few months old now, of a peculiar, large amount of Chinese folks remaining in China, buying up properties in a certain region of southern California?! I will do my best to find that, again. I emailed it to a close friend in San Diego, asking if she'd heard about it.

The report was that these were all cash purchases, not financed and it was "Chinese Nationals" IN China, if memory serves me. I even vaguely think the area started with an "L." I'll get on it. It happened.

This is not the exact page I read from, but here's the report. The one I read named one specific community in So.Cal. and said in a specific quarter of the year, I think I vaguely remember, but I guess nevermind that. This, too is about it.

Short background: Several years ago while my wife and I were looking for relocate in the northern California coastal region, I was seeing overlays of probable or very possible futures for the areas we were looking at -- often while driving. Most of these were about geophysical changes. But one day I "see" Chinese high ranking military officials scouting out their own little turf in the general area around Mendocino.

Messages In This Thread
Global War - WW3 - by Alexander - 10-17-2014, 03:50 AM
RE: Global War - WW3 - Commentary - by Alexander - 10-17-2014, 03:26 PM
RE: Global War - WW3 - by Nanny - 10-17-2014, 05:36 PM
RE: Global War - WW3 - by Eagle1 - 10-17-2014, 06:36 PM
RE: Global War - action-inaction - by Alexander - 10-23-2014, 05:06 PM

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