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Military or Armed Group Takes Hostages in Coastal Area
This was a very long dream, and I do not recall the early parts very well.

I was in a suburban area, early evening, out for a walk. I encountered two adults walking with a young girl who was riding a bike. I do not think the adults were her parents, perhaps they were her guardians. They knew I planned to leave and they wanted me to take the girl with me. So I bent down or knelt and I talked to her. We had met before in the area, I think we had previously talked about her doll and we seemed to get along well. I reminded her who I was and that we'd see each other again soon.

Later in dream...
I was a doctor in a coastal area, with another doctor who was either my business partner or family partner (we were both male). I saw the coast on a map as though from the air, it was the west coast of what looked like California, although I was under the impression we were on an island. The name Monrovia came to mind or perhaps it was another 'M' word. (I didn't know where Monrovia was, I actually thought that might be a country but I googled it and there are 2: 1 is in the Los Angeles area, the other is a West African country that is on the Atlantic Ocean and also has a western coast).

I believe we were visiting the area and had intended to stay awhile longer. But now we knew we had to escape. Many other people here were also visitors and I had the impression this was a popular tourist area. We had medical gear with us along with syringes and we planned to inject ourselves and commit suicide if we were unable to escape and were caught. The young girl from earlier in the dream (Asian looking, long straight black hair, slim, early grade school age) was with us. As we were planning our escape on foot, my partner was telling the girl how to make her legs stronger by jumping up and down in the surf at the beach. My partner and I stood up on a hill or cliff looking down at the beach, guards with guns were monitoring sunbathers on the beach while the girl was diligently doing her leg exercises. To a bystander, her activity just looked like play, but we knew different.

Then we were in a large theater or auditorium with hundreds of other people. The young girl was not with us. We were originally planning to escape in the morning, but we now thought we'd go that night as something ominous seemed planned for the morning. Armed guards (Asian appearance) surrounded and watched us to make sure we didn't leave. My partner and I were seated in the middle section up near the front. The right section was told to walk around the section and show their most prized possession. Many held vases or works of art or family photos/scrapbooks. One Asian (I thought Japanese) man held in his arms an American woman, and we understood that they were on their honeymoon and he had brought her here to his homeland. The audience cheered and clapped to honor the couple. The woman had long dark hair and was dressed in a classic cream colored dress. Then that section was told to sit. The aisle between the center section and the right section then opened up, showing massive rollers underneath. The wife then fell or was pushed in and was rolled and crushed to death. As we were seated near the aisle we saw her body. She was then retrieved on chains and was cartoon flat, dripping blood. This incident was an example of what was to come or what might happen if we attempted escape. The audience screamed...all very gruesome. Our section was then told to get up. My partner and I contemplated crawling under the seats to escape.

Then my partner and I were separated by the guards. He was taken away, and I struggled with the guards. I turned around and was now an observer and could see that I was a white male, blonde hair; I looked like the actor Brad Beyer. I had a syringe, but my partner had the medication with him, so suicide was no longer an option. The guards shot me in the upper arm with the gun. The soldiers were of Asian appearance, wearing flat caps with bills.

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Military or Armed Group Takes Hostages in Coastal Area - by Iris - 11-05-2014, 11:56 AM

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