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reaching up
I was in this weird place...the thought that came to mind was "the nether" (think video games kinda place). dark, bleak. the go\round was like cooled lava floes. and my vacuum was broken. my dad came and fixed it. the vacuum was on a small round rock like an altar. when it was fixed a storm was coming and dad had to leave, but the vacuum wasn't put back together, but he just left it like that. so I was trying to hurry and pick up all the little pieces and screws to put it back together before the storm got there. I thought "why are there so many pieces to put this vacuum back together? what kinda messed up vacuum is this? I mean MY vacuum only has 2 little screws to put it back together." but nevertheless I HAD to get all the little pieces picked up or the storm would blow them away and I could never put it back together then. so I don't get all the pieces picked up before the wind starts to blow and I was like "well great", heavy sarcasm. so I looked up facing into the storm at. the center of the storm was a being. like a witch. it was male but it had female characteristics. it wasn't flesh but it was tangible. its robes were bright pink rays of light that moved like the waves of aurora's in the sky. and its hair and its body were shadows that appeared to be waving like the wind was blowing it, like the light and shadow were making it look long and flowing.

the being started to attack me. it was like it was casting a spell at me. the spell seemed to take a long time to cast and I could see what it was doing, so while it was casting I said my God is greater I am not afraid. and I faced up to heaven with my eyes open and reaching my hands straight up and I called for Jesus to give me His strength. the beings spell was cast but it didn't hit me. the being became angrier and was making the cackling screechy noises. I felt it cursing at me.

it started to cast again, and again I reached up to heaven,"Jesus!" I said calmly with my eyes looking into the heavens. I could see the stars. it was strange to see the stars in a storm. the spell was cast. it sparkled and spattered like bright pink lightning bolts but they didn't hit me. the bolts spread out around me like I was under a shield. the being was angry and cursed and cackled and began to cast a third time.

I did the same thing as before. eyes open hands reaching so hard. I was stretching myself upwards toward heaven like I was trying to make myself tall enough to actually touch the sky. "Jesus!!" I called to Him. this time I saw a hole open in the black star-filled sky. the hole was like the stars in the place right above me began to spread outward from the center, like when you drop a pebble in the water. I heard Him start to speak something....the pink lightning flashed again....and I woke up.

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reaching up - by lurker - 11-11-2014, 08:06 AM

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