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bad potatoes
i was preparing food for supper. my daughter was in the kitchen with me. the meat and most of the veggies for the pot roast were sitting in the colander next to the sink. I only had one can of veggies left. potatoes. why I was using canned potatoes I have no clue. I opened the can and they smelled so horribly bad. "these potatoes are bad!! we can't eat the potatoes! what will we do without potatoes!" I poured some into my hand over the sink to see what was wrong with them. at first I thought they were packed with pineapples. "why would they pack potatoes with pineapple! it's poison and people don't know!" but then I just rinsed the potatoes and was putting them into the colander. I was very frustrated and the potatoes were making the onions fall into the sink. then I guess I had put the roast in the oven, I could smell the onions. as I was walking into the living room I looked out my window and it was dark already. I saw my neighbor's kids walking up to my door in red santa-suit-looking pajamas like it was Christmas time. they were about 4 and 8 years old. the little one was a girl and the other a boy. they had gifts. I opened the door and one had a toasted macaroni sandwich that looked like one of those pre-school art projects little kids make with macaroni glued on paper. but some of the noodles were brown and some were black. the other one had an orange gift bag full of fresh onion rings. I said "oh how nice! I knew I smelled them cooking." I halfway stepped out my door to wave to their mom because I knew she would be waiting for me to acknowledge. the mom was Michele Obama. as I was waving to her kids came inside and made themselves all comfy on my couch. then my kids got all excited that the neighbor kids were over. soon I realized they had invited themselves over for a sleepover! on a school night! how RUDE! they just let themselves in and made themselves at home!

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bad potatoes - by lurker - 11-13-2014, 08:57 AM

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