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What happens in Las Vegas...;(
(Sixth night using SAM or spacial angle modulation - The Monroe Institute. Complementing binaural beats, SAM is designed to increase phenomenon, including oobe and precognition, among other senses. I awakened once again within full pre-separation state, replete with roaring, mass energy eruption from solar plexus, and incredible vibrations. This shortly after entering hypnagogic state, pre-sleep. However, although I did not freak out, I could not yet achieve fully lucid separation from physical. I will keep trying. I am an adventurer. I want the plain vanilla truth. I keep explaining to people "We are spiritual beings having a human experience; NOT human beings having a spiritual experience." I hope that makes sense.)

After six hours of sleep, and after a brief awakening, from my notes:

Keith (husband, passed on 6/11), came to get me and we were whisked off to Las Vegas. (Notice continuous themes: casinos, having to move and pack quickly, luggage, missing keys, and cats.) We arrived at a resort and checked in. We placed our luggage into the room, and our cat, S, chose to stay outside the door of the room, along with another cat meandering around the hotel. We went downstairs and played two-cent machines, unsuccessfully. Quite suddenly, it was time to leave, and we bolted back to the room, but I could not find the key to the room on my key chain, which contained a dozen keys. Keith became impatient, showing me the room key, and separating it from the others. By the time I got to the door, the key again became merged with all other keys, and I could not open the door. Despite being in a panic, confused, I did so, packed all belongings quickly, grabbed the luggage, and worried I would not be able to find the cat. Then, I did, scooping her up under my arm, heading to the escalator. Beautiful plush carpeting in the hallways there. Keith was no longer with me. I got to the common area outside the hotel entrance, and saw a woman we met earlier. Her husband was playing golf. She and her husband (whom we saw earlier in the day) were in their 60s. She had dyed light blonde hair - ash; worn short; and was a bit on the heavy side, but sweet natured and happy. Her husband was much thinner, with a thin face compared to her broad facial features, brown hair, receding hairline. She handed me a folded up piece of paper, telling me it was a gift so Keith could play golf for free, with her husband. I was excited, although Keith never played golf before. He might be interested! I asked her where she was from, and the reply was Montana! I asked her where: reply: Jasper. ???? I explained we were from Biloxi (???? not true). Keith returned to the scene, and we went back into the casino. Keith, on a whim, bought $25 tokens, and won on a slot. He then went to another bank, and won a little more. We walked to a line of slots, and he gave me money so I could play next to him, to his left. I sat down at the machine, and the Phillipino slot attendant woman, grabbed my coral-colored purse from the floor, saying (in broken English) she would place it in the booth for safety. I knew they intended to steal from my purse. I insisted she return the purse, and she turned around to her older mother, who had it. The older mother was spitting mad, throwing the purse at me, in anger. Their plot had been revealed, and she was furious. Keith and I left there, uncomfortable with the experience.

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What happens in Las Vegas...;( - by kimspirit - 12-05-2014, 08:23 AM

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