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10/19/14 Happy & Confident; Japan, Barry, Planet X
Who was it that was yearning for a positive DreamBot run? Oh right….ALL OF US! Well, here we go. There’s nothing but happy, lovely, grateful and confident. This is the first run thus far where lines blur between groupings. In fact, there is a great possibility that the whole run itself is a single story, so let’s explore the groupings I identified. Oh wait….as you read this, think about day residue for a moment…with all this ebola fear porn going around, can any of this be day residue?

1. Humanity is gaining confidence, and we are “hardly kidding.”

2. This group MIGHT belong in the 1st group, but regardless…Japan is shooting up. This isn’t the Dallas level just yet, but notice how much confidence this pairing produces…”Excellent” “Fitting” “Confident” “Pro” and even “Shelter.” To me, this feels like Japan is going to lead the world in something, and that something will make the world happier.

3. Barry is not done, as indicated by the name shooting up yet again, AND it’s surrounded by “Gigantic Rocket.” Something big about to shoot out that Barry the Rabbi case, or of course, there’s also Barry Soetoro, don’t forget. EITHER WAY, notice the words, “Vaguely American,” and we’ve got ourselves one big dynamo for a news story. Also notice the synchronicity…a dream just this morning by our new dream talent Aixia, where she see’s a friend “sitting on top of a blow-up rocket that is white and red.” ( )

4. Is American football escaping, or is it becoming “Vaguely American?”

5. To me, this feels like Planet X, but even if it is, it’s far enough down our list to be considered “very low probability” (until, of course, it escalates later with high congruence and correlations).

Finally, what if, just what if the recent P2 group mission is what influenced this run? The timing is incredible. Our first day of the mission started yesterday, and this is the first clearly positive DreamBot run in ages. Something to consider I guess.


Plain Text:
10/19/2014    %Change from Ave    % Change from Yesterday

happier    219.0%    2400.0%
gimme    217.4%    2300.0%
hardly    55.8%    1200.0%
kidding    88.5%    1100.0%
escalating    94.8%    1000.0%
excellent    76.6%    1000.0%
confident    64.9%    1000.0%
fitting    80.6%    800.0%
japan    75.0%    800.0%
pro    51.7%    800.0%
scooter    132.6%    700.0%
shelter    90.4%    550.0%
barry    171.4%    500.0%
thanks    81.2%    333.3%
rocket    173.8%    266.7%
gigantic    83.6%    266.7%
lovely    79.3%    250.0%
vaguely    91.1%    225.0%
american    80.2%    225.0%
theater    59.2%    200.0%
football    48.8%    200.0%
escaping    87.0%    180.0%
religious    54.0%    175.0%
asteroid    100.8%    160.0%
interest    96.0%    160.0%
paralysis    88.0%    160.0%
lesson    99.3%    157.1%
gliding    108.7%    133.3%
student    61.5%    128.6%

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10/19/14 Happy & Confident; Japan, Barry, Planet X - by Eagle1 - 10-19-2014, 11:31 AM

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