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Final Call-- Global Predictions of Mammoth Proportion
Attached you'll find the pre-release copy of Alexander's compilation of future trends. This PDF is the official appendix to his upcoming life work entitled, "Final Call," which outlines both positive and negative faces of what might be considered a new earth.

Suggestions for specific readers:

- DreamForecasters / Elders: For purposes of headline creation, this document is neither an external resource nor an internal one. In other words, the content is not to be used as a primary source for headline generation, but it is also not something that is to be overlooked. Instead, it will run parallel to our work here since all (or most) of the contents herein are sequentially based rather than applied to a timeline. In other words, one event indicates that another event may be around the corner. This is exactly one of the new time-estimation methods that some of the DFs have postulated in our own work...instead of seeking strict dates all of the time, sometimes we can use celestial events, astrological understandings, and temporal markers. Suggested use: DFs should probably scan through the document to know what is there and then come back if/when outer events appear to be matching up with Alex's temporal markers. When using anything in the document, please remember to apply page number sourcing.

DFers may extract certain content from the document and paste it into THE DREAMFORECASTER's PRIVATE forum for further discussion. I can see several new threads beginning for the various memes that undoubtedly overlap with our own memes.

- P1 Dreamers: Do not read the document within 2-3 hours of going to sleep. The content in this document can and will influence your dreams, and based on scientific research, anything within an hour of sleep has a high-probability of returning in the mindscape during dream time. Those who wish to remain pure dreamers should consider not opening the document.

- P2 Creators: You may read the document as long as you prepare accordingly. First, you must be able to remain fully conscious...being able to observe your reactions while you are reading. If you find yourself being emotionally attached or emotionally reactive in any way, stop reading. Remember our triad of reality-creation...if you cannot stop thinking about the material or cannot separate emotionally, then this document is off limits.

- All Others:  The attachment is the work of Alex. You may not reproduce his work without his express written permission.

NOTE: Most browsers should be able to open the document without having to download it.

Attached Files
.pdf   Final Call-APPENDIX-DreamsVisions.pdf (Size: 203.41 KB / Downloads: 658)

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Final Call-- Global Predictions of Mammoth Proportion - by Eagle1 - 10-20-2014, 09:06 AM

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