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5/28/15 Airplane Crash + Satan's Pew
Well, this was a little first at NDC for me...I typed a couple of lines and my little finger on right hand got a, spasm? LOL and I hit some buttons that backspaced me, losing it, anyway.

I had written, speak of demons and their head leader gets front-row attention? Apparently so.

I think we oughta watch CERN, their schedule, news and bulletins (on separate webpages) to see if they are going to do anything unique or really powerful. Will there be an airplane crash when they do? With
"airplane had crash alive response caused form up" being the reason.

"Pew battery satan" is huge and oh boy the folks back home would really not like hearing this---that I dare to admit that heck yeah, some pews give energy to the evil one, of course they do it ignorantly for they are fooled/emotionally lost in religion. PLEASE readers note I said "some!" way do I mean to be insulting all or even most churches. It's not the churches fault, nor those that are members. satan would not "be" who he is if he failed to do some of his best work inside the organizations that intend on glorifying God. *yes, IMO, all of this.

There's "tube" again. CERN came to mind last time this word was in a run, so I googled to find talk of a CERN tube issue. No, didn't prove anything and yet it was maybe a hit at the time.

"arm" and "arms?" about a wife? is she in Holland?

Gonna read y'all. Wowzers to this run, too.

"van stuff sat catch appear chased" will this be a headline of homemade bombs or something along this line, but thankfully they will be chased and caught??

What? "taylor" again?? still?? We have 3 hits on taylor already, so....Eagle1....a huge "taylor" headline may be coming, besides the smaller/other hits? I think as usual you are right. "taylor" isn't going away.


Messages In This Thread
5/28/15 Airplane Crash + Satan's Pew - by Eagle1 - 05-28-2015, 09:11 AM
RE: 5/28/15 Airplane Crash + Satan's Pew - by Nanny - 05-28-2015, 01:55 PM

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