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Final Call-- Global Predictions of Mammoth Proportion
NADW mentions similar themes in the Ed Dames promotional video.

That is interesting. I am not aware of the details of the predictions promoted by Dames’ group –other than his N Korean nuclear attack precursor event to his “trademark” killshot theme.

I do recall Ed Dames’ early promotion of his training seminars around 1990. This was a time when Gordon Michael Scallion’s earthchange predictions were beginning to peak in general interest in the run-up to 2000. (At the time, I was familiar with background to technical “RV” as well as what could be consider within the larger category of clairsentience.) Dames’ record on predicting significant events is not very good, by the `way –and the same can be said for Brown/Farsight group as well, another RV group that attracted much attention in recent years.

What I shared in this compilation are highlights of selected dreams-visions spanning roughly twenty years, mostly concentrated over the recent ten. A handful of individuals with whom I am personally acquainted have seen similar things when looking “far-out” and we have tried to cross-check on another on these things. (By the way I am not a trained RV’er.)

When one rules out much of what might well have been “made-up”, there is a mix of genuine direct “seeing” and some “crossover” leakage as one person reads or hears of predictions or comments from others, etc. I also know there are talented remote reviewers – formally trained as well as “naturals” –who have observed similar things of great global changes. I know some of them have “seen” a major solar flare that essentially “resets” life on earth. Witness the precognitive information presented in these pages.
And there is also a telepathic bleed-through effect via collective human “thought-sphere” –two people in different parts of the world make the same discovery at about the same time, etc. There are also various informal Internet-based efforts that specifically seek out predictions to identify emerging trends, etc., etc.
All said, there are some capable and honest remote viewers –each with unique background --who are detecting some very large events in the near future.
The sharing of significant dreams and visions is of value. It is also a challenge to determine what is derived from “nearby” vibrational planes that is floating around as a “potentiality” of unknown strength –or whether it is an “insert” by entities interested in manipulating levels of awareness beyond that of ordinary human 3d, often using the astral or 4d vibrational region.

It is my sense that certain major events are detectable and filterable and that those who have become practiced at “looking ahead” can identify many globally major events, just as it is relatively easy to detect the smaller ones with high emotional impact but may not be global in scope. In addition to cross-reading one another, there are also higher vibrational levels where some of these major things can be looked at before they develop the needed specificity to reach into 3d density.


I think I have some understanding as to why certain predictions focused on the period around 2000 did not occur and why long-term events are so difficult to identify in the context of the human-earth calendar. Some of this is discussed in an essay: “Time, Ascension of the Light, and the Co-created Maintenance of a Reality of Error” (see page 17 at link: )
(I am also updating a short essay from 2009 which was written on the theme of pandemic crisis or an existential crisis. I will excerpt some of for it the NDC forum since the disease pandemic has risen again in importance. )


I also suspect there are those events of enormous significance that will not be predicted because they are designed not be predicted, only their adumbrations hinted at through imagery, etc. Thus “The Wave” or “Flash” (as spiritually structured light) may have even greater significance to our state of existence than the hyperdramatic 3d material versions of solar plasma or massive oceanic events.


As part of an overall integrity-check, one must ask why do these people so over inflate their “credentials” that after a while, they seem to start to believe themselves? And why anyone needs to charge so much money for these large group events? Especially if “the big event” is so imminent? These most likely in the neighborhood of $100,000 per event or more –when fees and product sales are factored in. Beyond the egregious amounts of money, there the questionable backgrounds of some of the individuals running these operations. These are money-making models that prey upon fears, as they “squeeze” everyone –like the dark forces do – one last big push of fear over material survival – the workshop to end all workshops – RV “your own” safe place. Assuming Dame’s big ticket item (“killshot”) is so imminent and the global implications so immense, then what is the point? Humans are limited in their discernment to choose and fear is a powerful attractor to many. Why garner so much more money? This is not much different than many who promote themselves on the late night “radio fear networks”. Or like Geryl cashing in 2012 and trying to get people to front tens of thousands each to him to be included in a survival community, etc. because of a solar “killshot” that Geryl never could demonstrate the basis for – only to tell one to go buy all his books.

One of the hallmarks of the Dark side is their innate predatory and parasitic qualities. That is what I notice with most of those promoting “survival fixes” for a fee.

As to the question of a solar killshot and major global events such as crustal axis slip-shifts, etc. Which comes first, what causes what, etc. to my perspectives is not relevant. What is relevant are profound questions of the “whys and wherefores” for “survival” and the higher and deeper questions of the true nature of one’s existence as an individuation of consciousness.


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RE: Final Call-- Global Predictions of Mammoth Proportion - by Alexander - 10-23-2014, 02:15 AM

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