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6/4/15 Sherry in June

I know where this is heading..... Da Bot is sending me off on a Project August trail into the very near future.
I just need some time to piece it together.
BTW, sherry could be an alcoholic beverage that assists with studying the soul's universe. *LOL*

sherry June study soul universe wed truly rich difficult advice
remove elevator referenced purpose, letting paying thanks magic
need inner male responses
shed width country parent support
cannot experiment, created remain event experience true sign
gender analytics aug chosen hits

remove elevator referenced purpose, letting paying thanks magic had me looking for an elevator dream I remembered having where I took he stairs rather than the elevator and thus removed the elevator's purpose, like there would be some magical pay off.

Here is my dream journal entry:

Night of May 28/29, 2014 - Deterioration

This dream wasn't intended for PA (Project August), either, but I think that it has a message on the personal level as well as at the world level especially since Aaron from Revolution is in it.

I find myself in the same old hotel I visit in my dreams every once in a while. This time, I take the stairs instead of the old gated elevator to my usual room on the second floor but this time, an uncountable number of strangers (one man who reminds me of Aaron Pittman in the TV series Revolution) are taking the stairs with me and as it turns out, heading down the hallway for the same room # 4 in the far corner of the box like building. Seriously, we've all been booked into the same room?  The hallway has always been dark and dingy - panelled walls and rusty yellow carpet. I notice that since the last time I visited, most of the room doors have been boarded over. Just as we reached the door I commented, "I don't think the bed will hold ten people." The lock has also been changed on my door. Now it's a tall narrow silver box with three or four different types of locking devices. I have so many keys that I can't find the right one for any of the locks until a blond lady helps me out. I woke up just as I was putting a key in a lock.

So, I was dreaming for August and what was happening in August? gender analytics aug [August] chosen hits brought me back to August 2014 and the Dallas Project. Hmmmm....

Journal entry:

Night of August 22/23, 2014 - Intent: Anything more about the Dallas Project?

I was shown a date typed on a piece of paper: D/M/Y I physically reached for an itch and it was as though someone immediately spilled 1% milk on it. This all happened so fast that I was left with only a smear to ponder. The day was two digits [24]. The month was either June or July [too short to be October] and I couldn't make out the year.

Next scene: I was shown a young woman [my view didn't include her head but I've intuited long dark hair] lying on her back [intuited her being tied at the feet and hands] under a worn low deck stained that rusty dark red colour.  There were chunks of concrete and pieces of metal concrete wire around her. The siding on the lower part of the house was a stained white. She was wearing black shorts and a burgundy halter top. Thing is, she didn't seem real. Her knees were bent and her skin looked like smooth rubber like a rubber doll and there was no movement. Now I wonder if there may be a hostage taking.

Now, take a peek at this....

Why would I spontaneously decide to take a run at this particular headline?

But a trail to a kidnapping/murder scenerio isn't the only trail.....

There is a BIG TRAIL to the Jade Helm 15 TICKLE.

Messages In This Thread
6/4/15 Sherry in June - by Eagle1 - 06-04-2015, 08:01 AM
RE: 5/4/15 Sherry in June - by twiceblessed9 - 06-04-2015, 12:23 PM
RE: 5/4/15 Sherry in June - by Sherriann - 06-04-2015, 12:23 PM
RE: 5/4/15 Sherry in June - by twiceblessed9 - 06-04-2015, 01:26 PM
RE: 5/4/15 Sherry in June - by Sherriann - 06-04-2015, 01:33 PM
RE: 5/4/15 Sherry in June - by esholars - 06-04-2015, 01:30 PM
RE: 5/4/15 Sherry in June - by twiceblessed9 - 06-04-2015, 01:40 PM
RE: 5/4/15 Sherry in June - by Sherriann - 06-04-2015, 01:48 PM
RE: 5/4/15 Sherry in June - by twiceblessed9 - 06-04-2015, 02:10 PM
RE: 5/4/15 Sherry in June - by Nanny - 06-04-2015, 02:34 PM
RE: 5/4/15 Sherry in June - by twiceblessed9 - 06-04-2015, 04:42 PM
RE: 5/4/15 Sherry in June - by Shadewolf - 06-04-2015, 05:29 PM

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