10-23-2014, 05:04 PM
Concerning dates and insiders...
There are reasons why some "on the inside" would deliberately want to "leak" dates to a wider public outside the usual circles of those who are to be "clued-in" as to events.
These days, I find that certain forces are becoming increasingly hard pressed and yet know full well the social and economic costs of maintaining a vast empire and maintaining enough "bread and circus" for the masses. The available mechanisms for maintaining empire are running dry -- frankly I have been amazed at how this has been stage managed since the mid-1980's.
"They" (those who truly are “insiders”) only know dates they themselves set and agree upon. Presently the problem is one of mutually assurances and insurances as I have mentioned in other posts – and this applies to conflicting blocks of power interests that are operating behind each of the global superpower flags – within each “block of interests” as well as between the major powers. So one can assume a certain uncertainty of combinations/permutations of roughly 2x3. Once that is worked out, then the next "shoe drops". That there will be major economic dislocation (likely November/early December) is already a given. So that is not in question.
WW3 will be something that is decided upon once enough of the military and tech is positioned. At some point, a "go" is signaled. And that is that. There is no way to “keep it quiet” given its obvious nature. Even with the use of directed energy and other exotic weapons, there must ground/air forces in place, etc. This has been one of the reasons WW3 has not occurred overtly and is directly traceable to the events surrounding “9-11”. A trigger event may be used – a modern version of what was used to demarcate the onset of WW-1. Today, it might be something like a political leader of one or more major powers, or the action of some heretofore pre-packaged “rogue state” that is in effect given a “go” order.
What is beyond the control of human PTB are two things: anticipated influences from stuff out there in space and global-scale earthchanges -- thereby making it impossible to pursue notions of an "orderly" global war. Of course some would have advance notice, and the only telling indicator would be if too many major public figures throughout the world were to suddenly sequester themselves, triggering too many to notice that something is afoot. By then, "it" (whatever that major event would be) would already in play. So even if there were enough "credible" people shouting from the rooftops, few would pay heed, as too many have been tricked into believing the sky is falling by too many for too long. This is of course another form of social control that takes advantage of new situations that arise out of various crises.
Meanwhile, social control engineers continually testing he waters of “collective insanity” through every means available so as to identify ways and means to maintain “civilian” pacification. And if the fear mongering by a few hucksters helps the overall social engineering process, then they will be one of the “opportunities”.
As the expression came to be known in the aftermath of the Vietnam anti-war period “the revolution will not be televised” – likewise for the major global changes. Most of the planetary disasters have been “socially presented” by the movie industry. Now the theme is a dark side version of transhumanism and techno-consciousness. Some of the people advising in this regard were often known as “alternative thinkers” during the late 1960’s through the 1970’s who promoted the “good causes”.
There are reasons why some "on the inside" would deliberately want to "leak" dates to a wider public outside the usual circles of those who are to be "clued-in" as to events.
These days, I find that certain forces are becoming increasingly hard pressed and yet know full well the social and economic costs of maintaining a vast empire and maintaining enough "bread and circus" for the masses. The available mechanisms for maintaining empire are running dry -- frankly I have been amazed at how this has been stage managed since the mid-1980's.
"They" (those who truly are “insiders”) only know dates they themselves set and agree upon. Presently the problem is one of mutually assurances and insurances as I have mentioned in other posts – and this applies to conflicting blocks of power interests that are operating behind each of the global superpower flags – within each “block of interests” as well as between the major powers. So one can assume a certain uncertainty of combinations/permutations of roughly 2x3. Once that is worked out, then the next "shoe drops". That there will be major economic dislocation (likely November/early December) is already a given. So that is not in question.
WW3 will be something that is decided upon once enough of the military and tech is positioned. At some point, a "go" is signaled. And that is that. There is no way to “keep it quiet” given its obvious nature. Even with the use of directed energy and other exotic weapons, there must ground/air forces in place, etc. This has been one of the reasons WW3 has not occurred overtly and is directly traceable to the events surrounding “9-11”. A trigger event may be used – a modern version of what was used to demarcate the onset of WW-1. Today, it might be something like a political leader of one or more major powers, or the action of some heretofore pre-packaged “rogue state” that is in effect given a “go” order.
What is beyond the control of human PTB are two things: anticipated influences from stuff out there in space and global-scale earthchanges -- thereby making it impossible to pursue notions of an "orderly" global war. Of course some would have advance notice, and the only telling indicator would be if too many major public figures throughout the world were to suddenly sequester themselves, triggering too many to notice that something is afoot. By then, "it" (whatever that major event would be) would already in play. So even if there were enough "credible" people shouting from the rooftops, few would pay heed, as too many have been tricked into believing the sky is falling by too many for too long. This is of course another form of social control that takes advantage of new situations that arise out of various crises.
Meanwhile, social control engineers continually testing he waters of “collective insanity” through every means available so as to identify ways and means to maintain “civilian” pacification. And if the fear mongering by a few hucksters helps the overall social engineering process, then they will be one of the “opportunities”.
As the expression came to be known in the aftermath of the Vietnam anti-war period “the revolution will not be televised” – likewise for the major global changes. Most of the planetary disasters have been “socially presented” by the movie industry. Now the theme is a dark side version of transhumanism and techno-consciousness. Some of the people advising in this regard were often known as “alternative thinkers” during the late 1960’s through the 1970’s who promoted the “good causes”.