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6/11/15 The Aura, the Fix, and the Lie
Trending: basic wild tree laura beauty grade glad book relationship forced weapons nap great fix involving listen key senior substance bones today speaking agree deleted cool blocked acting expect wed noise love normal links input event wedding dangerous width rich nighttime

: seat action related hug hide eat blank car giving happy happen meaning interpretation sun gave train important saved potatoes tar dogs music camera hospital fri anonymous owl sea yeah snake liked lie barry yesterday days

<----- DISCUSSION ----->
The picture below is rather busy because we actually have a word above the Red Alert level. The word is BASIC. I’m not seeing a lot of headlines in this word, nor am I seeing any support in our list below it. In Group 1, I actually read the name Laura as the word AURA, which goes well with the phrase: Basic Wild Tree Aura Beautiful.

Group 2 has identified someone who is apparently going to offer solutions. But remember, when solutions are offered, there typically needs to be a problem to fix, which normally precedes the solution.

Although Group 3 starts with Love Normal, the broader context in our run is that Relationships (red arrows) are Blocked and even Dangerous (blue arrows).

Need help in Group 4: Barry lied yesterday, and the reptilians apparently like it. So, what exactly was this lie? It’s probably significant.

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6/11/15 The Aura, the Fix, and the Lie - by Eagle1 - 06-11-2015, 06:33 AM

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