Past events seen as future?
That is one interpretation -- sometimes these dreams-visions-overlays are echoes of the ancient past -- or geological past. I have noticed this on occasion. These echoes, however, also presage future events. One superficial example would be the "unexpected" reactivation of geologically old faults and volcanic structures - some 10,000 years old, some 100,000 years old, etc.
Concerning my "null hypotheses" concept, I only mentioned it to raise some awareness of human-based or non-human entities setting up virtual scenarios, etc. "as if real".
That said, enough individuals with well developed "seeing" abilities have reported over recent years many details that help to fill in the "larger puzzle" -- different facets to a more singular pattern of major changes.
My own notes are substantial enough as far as I am concerned, but over the years too many others have had their own experiences of "future" events that make a far more detailed composite picture than any one individual.
As we approach the first major "window of finality" that I am aware of (the 2017-2019 period as per the artifice of the human calendar) more details of various major events will be detected with increased clarity. I am starting a thread for 2017-2019 discussion.
That is one interpretation -- sometimes these dreams-visions-overlays are echoes of the ancient past -- or geological past. I have noticed this on occasion. These echoes, however, also presage future events. One superficial example would be the "unexpected" reactivation of geologically old faults and volcanic structures - some 10,000 years old, some 100,000 years old, etc.
Concerning my "null hypotheses" concept, I only mentioned it to raise some awareness of human-based or non-human entities setting up virtual scenarios, etc. "as if real".
That said, enough individuals with well developed "seeing" abilities have reported over recent years many details that help to fill in the "larger puzzle" -- different facets to a more singular pattern of major changes.
My own notes are substantial enough as far as I am concerned, but over the years too many others have had their own experiences of "future" events that make a far more detailed composite picture than any one individual.
As we approach the first major "window of finality" that I am aware of (the 2017-2019 period as per the artifice of the human calendar) more details of various major events will be detected with increased clarity. I am starting a thread for 2017-2019 discussion.