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2017-2019 - and temporal indicators leading to that period.

NOTE: I have begun this thread specifically for the 2017-2019 period - While it necessarily will need to touch on some descriptors, I ask that this thread stay focused on the period itself and temporal markers that may be related to the run-up to 2017, etc. Dreams and visions that center around major changes (such as massive oceanic events, etc.) should be kept in a theme-topic focused thread.  -A

I have mentioned this period before, it is touched on in the  general posting: "Final Call -Global Predictions of Mammoth Proportion" (

Until yesterday, I am only aware of five others who have "seen" 2017-2019 (focused around 2017) as a major event period in terms of alterations to human-earthly physical reality --and all that it may implicate.

And so I wish to call attention to two most recent public Dream posts:

Apocalypse of End
Family 2011 Experiment

In Apocalypse, etc. (wish the writer included a year in which this sequence occurred) Some of the writer's descriptions stood out to me: that there is a sequence of calendar years explicitly shown; 2016 as a year (a year in which there would be little question that something major was underway with the planetary environment); the manner of the presentation; the New Madrid and the spider-like cracking effect (I and a few others have seen this as surface and sub-crustal cracking); the lava-like imagery below; and the implication of these changes spreading throughout the globe.  As to the biblical-mythologies referred here - a named entity; the named place "Babylon"; and "the voice" directing it...

As to this latter element to the dream-vision sequence, I wish to be very brief:

The reference to Babylon is both "biblical/myth and ancient geo-political. As is the term Levant and Mesopotamia. Regardless of one's religious or non-religious beliefs these are important archetypes underlying the development of present day civilization.

However, the personalized expression "my destruction of Babylon", etc. stands out as a singular irregularity that indicates the need to "read" the source of this dream-vision sequence –as does the “words” of Hillary Clinton in which she addresses the overseer of this end-time situation as having “personally” promised her her turn (presumably as their agent).  These two factors suggest information coming from the dark side entities since it is well enough known how many powerful human personages have “sold out” to the dark lords in exchange for their turn at power, etc. Even if so, this does not automatically discount this information, only that these two factors become indicators as to the source of the info.

(There are early creator and sub-creator level entities involved in making this world and the development of humans and shaping the larger cosmic space. I do not wish to discuss/digress in this commentary as to whether they are "good guys" or "bad guys" (dark forces).  I only offer a this: Consider there have been certain "spiritual" forces which have had an overall influence over this reality system --regardless of what anyone may want to believe as to who did what when and to what or why. As such these forces may well have a role in clearing the deck, for whatever new agenda there may be –theirs or that of the higher Light. This discussion is something that could be carried into the "Metaphysical" thread so as not to confound/confuse this thread focused on 2017-2019.)

"Family xpt" that could point to March 2017 - Some of the writer's descriptions stood out to me to me:  it was a group project in future viewing; their of "far-seeing" tendrils reaching out to detect information; the PNW region mass death indicator; Earth cracked like egg; the balls of light coming out of the sky. And that they initiated this the end of 2011 and they did not arrive at any Dec 2012-Jan 2013 time intervals.


Messages In This Thread
2017-2019 - by Alexander - 10-25-2014, 02:13 PM
RE: 2017-2019 - by Trapper - 10-31-2014, 06:35 AM

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