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6/27/15 Southern Ice and an Unknown Threat
(06-27-2015, 09:07 AM)Eagle1 Wrote: Trending: highway skating smith expensive perspective date reflection south surprise ice former snakes threat unknown june david searching association field law period slide maria doctor obviously favorite soon deer fri mum monkey flow scared map cleared bridge rock pipe loads paying

Waning: mall technique taken memory number steps trouble sex fairly box escape relationship snow yesterday baby bag lady very test interesting glad hunger special police energy given mon boy shadow wild store present boat smile damn

<----- DISCUSSION ----->
This run is yet another really juicy one! I’m mesmerized by Highway Skating….some skating competition on a closed off highway? Yeah, that would be expensive. Also, looks like we have 2014 in the making again. Remember “Earth Food Hard Ice” in Project August? That came true with flying colors in 2014 with the Polar Vortex, and today we see “South Surprise Ice.” Last year’s Polar Vortex only affected the northern states’ crop harvest. Maybe this year’s surprise will affect the south this time.

“Former Snakes Threat Unknown June David.” Israel is here (David) and an Unknown Threat is implied. What in the world does “Former Snakes imply? Ooh, I bet I have the answer! We need a popular flag with a snake on it. I have just the answer:

Yep, that's the main enemy of the establishment. What that has to do with Israel is a mystery to me. You know, it might actually be the other way around. You have the Former Snakes (Don't Tread on Me) and they have an Unknown Threat in David (Israel). Don't shoot the messenger...this is what is implied by the collective unconscious.

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There's a reference here to Dr Mary's Monkey, which repeats the meme about vaccine issues, this time the polio vaccine and cancer. I suppose the run is saying here to not let the vaccine issue fall of the radar!

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RE: 6/27/15 Southern Ice and an Unknown Threat - by Shadewolf - 06-27-2015, 08:24 PM

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