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Red Alert 7/10/15 Red Alert: Equal Pleasure and Pain (a Natural event)
Trending: equal pleasure energy orange motivation natural pain yesterday climb weekly quick class seed week blue exchange matter cake chat hey parts related notes speak standard nice seriously better check good task included surroundings call basically throat mixed feelings king health

I'm doing this post in a bit of a hurry so it may not make much sense. I'll try to get back later and clarify, if necessary.

Going to do a bit of rearranging here: Equal energy exchange pleasure pain matter

The universe exists in a homeostatic condition, that is, a state of balance. Light/dark, love/fear, male/female, yin/yang, good/evil, pleasure/pain, and so on, equally weighted, in perfect balance. There cannot be one side weighted more heavily than the other, that creates imbalance. Right now, this planet is in a state of imbalance in just about every aspect, and what most people don't understand is that our imbalance doesn't just affect this planet. Our imbalance affects the entire universe.

Think about it: If a machine has one part out of balance or not functioning optimally, the entire machine is affected. Maybe not so much at first but as the imbalance continues, it grows until the whole machine no longer functions.

I read this as an exhortation and an explanation: We MUST have an equal energy exchange-balance-and both sides of the exchange matter. We must learn to embrace both sides of the exchange, even the shadow parts. The fate of the universe rests on our fate...and that's why this planet has attracted so much attention from other worlds and other dimensions.

Reminds me of the poet John Donne's words: No man is an island unto himself...

Down in the waning section is reading rainbow. My kids loved that show when they were little. Smile

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RE: 7/10/15 Red Alert: Equal Pleasure and Pain (a Natural event) - by ThePaladin - 07-10-2015, 01:00 PM

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