08-10-2015, 03:27 PM
energies, pit, space, mass, through
Is NASA Covering Up a Devastating Meteor Strike In Iran: “Destruction On An Unimaginable Scale”
The Daily Sheeple
August 10th, 2015
"Editor’s Note: The following report has been confirmed by various news agencies around the world, but has yet to be disseminated to the American people. According to the reports a massive meteor or meteors have struck northern Iran and the destruction is, based on one source, “unimaginable.” Neither NASA or the U.S. media has reported on this event, which suggests it either did not happen, or, there is more coming and they don’t want to cause a panic. We’ll continue to provide details as they become available."
Is NASA Covering Up a Devastating Meteor Strike In Iran: “Destruction On An Unimaginable Scale”
The Daily Sheeple
August 10th, 2015
"Editor’s Note: The following report has been confirmed by various news agencies around the world, but has yet to be disseminated to the American people. According to the reports a massive meteor or meteors have struck northern Iran and the destruction is, based on one source, “unimaginable.” Neither NASA or the U.S. media has reported on this event, which suggests it either did not happen, or, there is more coming and they don’t want to cause a panic. We’ll continue to provide details as they become available."