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8/16/15 As Novel as you can get...
Interesting that you will be reading a a novel all day today Eagle.

novel mechanical crime fairy channel selling and reading
These words are related to novels as they are types of books.  Mechanical could be a reference book for engineers maintenance workers. When you add selling, it makes me think of a bookstore.  Maybe the selling of a bookstore. (Like Barnes and Noble).

WOW!  There is a BIG theme with numbers.  Numbers relating to money and time.  The following relate to numbers in some way:
selling bet spend worth utc numbers
utc means "coordinated universal time"

picture actor australia- sounds like a famous australian actor is in the news.

airplane- there was an airplane crash today in Indonesia.
airplane mansion might mean Air Force One.

awesome martial dude wed wow arts - a famous martial arts person is married
married thank thanks lab rice mysterious pew seed- relating again to a marriage.  It is in a church with rice being thrown and the couple are grateful.  It could be related to the martial arts marriage or not.

lab rice mysterious- sounds like Monsanto

faith bee- there is a company out of the Palm Desert area called Holy Honey.  I have had their honey and it is out of this world. I doubt this is about them but just thought I would put it out there.
backyard design angel learn rub animals bees corn beautiful reading possible dreams faith bee - bees are mentioned twice.  Something is happening with bees. Backyard could be our home backyards or the outdoors in general.  It seems like angel and faith are connected to the bee words.  Are we closer to figuring out the bee colony death issues?

energy box crying- it has been extremely hot in the southwest.  Record braking temps in Az and Ca.  The power companies are struggling to keep up with demand.
There is also the Iran nuclear deal-

Messages In This Thread
8/16/15 As Novel as you can get... - by Eagle1 - 08-16-2015, 09:22 AM
RE: 8/16/15 As Novel as you can get... - by twiceblessed9 - 08-16-2015, 02:05 PM

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