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Mushroom cloud
Got to toss in my penny here and make a few comments.

The US is now officially described as an "Inverted Totalitarian State."

The thing to remember about totalitarian states is that they end in one way, and that way is in defeat.
Either because the rest of the world has to buck up  and come straighten out what the people either cannot do,
or because the people are deluded to not really see what is going on, or because they are so terrified and terrorized
that they attempt to hide among each other hoping to just survive: A somewhat improbable idea in the nuclear age.
Pretty much where we are going right now.

Nothing is really that different from any other totalitarian system that has existed, only it's more stealthly now.
Our so-called education system has little to do with education and everything to do with indoctrination. In that
respect it's actually no different that any other mass brainwashing education centers used in other totalitarian
systems thoughout history. It's only different because the brainwashing about the benefits of education are so
massive that the reality is drowned out.

In some respects it worse because psychological knowledge available is used to actually retard and damage natural
reasoning capacity, and this is something which has been brought to light in books on the corruption of education.
A documented fact available to any who will expend the effort to learn what is really going on, and I'm happy to
direct anyone who doubts that fact to go read the works of Carroll Quigley, or go read  John Tayor Gatto's book,
"The hidden history of American Education."  So the information is out there; lot's of it BTW.

At any rate we could be looking to the wrong east,,,,but I doubt it. Just a thought though: Invasion isn't totally
unthinkable. The US has a mercenary army like Rome once did, and it's off bullying the world while us idiots at home
watch sports and drones blowing people to kingdom come like it was a video game. So someday the chickens come
home is the point.

Americans don't understand that their vote is a validation of the corporate/banking rulers choice, and consequently
means absolutely nothing as far as these rulers are concerned. We have had two political parties rule for over a hundred years
and these systems are intimately involved with the methodological procedures of maintaining an illusion and control over the
delusional whom still think this system is working.

Because we have no media, just propaganda owned by the totalitarians themselves, the people of the US don't understand because it isn't
being explained to them in a simplified form. Basically major corporations organized business along the lines of Unions, then either removed
unions themselves, or co-opted them in to a control and hidden tax for work scheme, and which involves forced education schemes,
life long training and certification taxes, taxes to access work places such as ports. All these are hidden under guises of necessary safety
or so called improvements. In addition, the State laws are all being modified to match Federal Law, so then you have a completely
centralized system disguised as a local and state systems.

So, it's very sneaky and typical of most criminals who would act to subvert and destroy their own nation for personal profit.

At any rate, these Business Groups and Associations then make/extort lower line companies to make donations to their non-profits which are
supposedly working to improve and professionalize their industries. However, it's all a scam to extort money from workers with fake and invented
certifications, as well as to prevent any competition for rising to power. The money collected/extorted/donations are then used to pay for changes in
laws which benefit these prime players by hiring lobbyists, who fund political war funds. So it's really just a proxy government functioning in the
interest of billionaires. They have even gone so far now as to virtually hijack the State itself and install their own stooges as De facto ruling advisors
to the Governors of some States. Thus the State functions in their interest under the guise of Global Competition Necessity. So it's just a farce
for all intense and purposes, and certainly is about as far from free enterprise and democratic rule as any communist dictatorship could be.

So that's the outline in a nut shell. It's why congress is passing 40 to 50 thousand new laws every year.
This is why the so-called elites have built shelters, have escape plans, it's because they want people to destroy their own
government when really the only thing that is wrong is the corruption of government by them. So we will probably end up with
some huge calamity and a few billion dead people and be right back where we were in about the 9th Century, and that will suit them fine.

Where is my crown anyways? I might as well be leading this next civilization once this one is over.

Messages In This Thread
Mushroom cloud - by JudyF - 10-01-2014, 12:56 AM
RE: Mushroom cloud - by rebeccaS - 10-01-2014, 09:34 PM
RE: Mushroom cloud - by Eagle1 - 10-01-2014, 11:18 PM
RE: Mushroom cloud - by Nanny - 10-01-2014, 11:34 PM
RE: Mushroom cloud - by Eagle1 - 10-02-2014, 12:20 AM
RE: Mushroom cloud - by Nanny - 10-03-2014, 12:34 AM
RE: Mushroom cloud - by Balsa - 10-02-2014, 06:25 AM
RE: Mushroom cloud - by esholars - 10-02-2014, 09:52 AM
RE: Mushroom cloud - by Nanny - 10-29-2014, 11:02 PM
RE: Mushroom cloud - by esholars - 10-29-2014, 11:53 PM

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