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Red Alert 8/21/15 Red Alert: Pillow Destiny Sick
(08-21-2015, 11:11 AM)Eagle1 Wrote: Trending: pillow destiny sick turtles endless wanna reading elementary competition ride freezing monsters uncle lake work love training task fight machine breath uncomfortable thin fri wave minute construction inner shooting sad uncategorized lifted truck luke bigger stared ever frozen simple wall
Waning: orange numbers art perhaps creepy facility mountain vivid team edge space travel sun sexy elevator history days sat mutual cute month encounter grandpa thanks request fancy longer sub gab sea voted months share loading submitted

<----- DISCUSSION ----->
Red Alert, and it’s the alert that we really never wanted. PILLOW DESTINY SICK. What sort of virulence could this present to humanity? Take your pick….a virus, Fukishima fallout, an energetic pummeling at the galactic level, the bot appears to be seeing us all taking to the pillow.

Notice that FREEZING/FROZEN is a direct overlap. The collective is infatuated with being cold, which is a direct overlap with our Red Alert.

Another clue here is TURTLE.
“A dream with a turtle symbolizes motherhood, fertility, wisdom, shelter, loyalty, spiritual development and longevity. The dream may suggest that you are sheltering yourself from something

This definition alone matches my dream from yesterday’s Project September intention. I duplicate the dream here because this is the second day in a row where my dream appears in the bot run.

My Dream 8/20/15 (with a Proj September intention):
I can't remember specifically what the entity looked like. For some reason the giant being felt like a mother entity or at least a female. Why was she trying to kill us? There was no reason. I was thrown into my basic instincts. I kept moving backward, trying to hide in small places that could shelter me from the stand off weapon she was wielding. After awhile, I realized that I may actually be in a sport-type video game, except that I was being hunted and it felt very real that I had to honor it. The things I was hiding in were like cereal boxes and mounds of dirty clothes (this part is day residue...the dirty clothes).

It was almost like she was having a lot of fun. You could hear the sarcastic laughing, taunting us. Some people didn't make it out alive, but then again, what the heck were they doing? They apparently didn't know the key.....always stay at least two layers in hiding. One layer will not protect nor camouflage, but two will do both. 

You have to move when she is busy looking for others. Its a fast moving game. I'm looking ahead to see where my next layers are. Crap....there isn't much room left to find stuff. This is where I start to realize that I might be inside of a video game.

Note: this was the first fearful dream I've had in years!

And then if that wasn’t enough, check out Group 2: Team Edge Space Travel. If this whole run goes together, then it appears most of humanity will be laying down on the pillow while the “Vivid Team” gets tickets on the first ship outta here. “Sexy Elevator” says it all!!!


For more details about these DreamBot runs, please see:

I usually just read and absorb the bot runs, but after reading the news today, I was struck by all the really sick people preying on others. Bill Cosby accusers reach 50, Jared pleads guilty to child porn, ex-NFL cheerleader sentenced in child rape case. Pillow Destiny Sick.

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RE: 8/21/15 Red Alert: Pillow Destiny Sick - by Goldengirl - 08-21-2015, 06:52 PM

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