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Organic Appartment
In the beginning I was in a studio apartment, and my parents were there. (both have passed). I was trying to participate in a work conference call, and my dad was being "funny" in the background. I was frustrated, but realized that when he last worked in the 90s, working at home was not a normal thing.

Then I decided I needed to find a new apartment, one with more space. My mom and I went looking, and a really cool building down the street, built in the 20s, had an apartment. Originally, I saw two rooms, mostly devoid of furniture. I assured my mom that with a little elbow grease it would be great. I seemed unusually excited to realize it had an old-fashioned European style mailbox on the corner. I mean, really excited.

When I went back inside, it turns out that the lady who had the building was now an eccentric little old man, and he had a three room apartment to show me. It was filled with antique furniture, which I was once again very excited about. The two main rooms were furnished as a parlor (?) and a formal living room. I was wondering where the bedroom was when I noticed an oval opening in the floor that led to a sleeping area. I was about to descend when I decided to explore the common areas instead.

I could see outside to a beautiful peanut shaped in ground pool. Very tropical and serene setting. Then I walked to what I thought should be a kitchen, but it was empty of everything but counter space. Very utilitarian. I walked to the next room, but thought to myself, that's strange, how does anyone cook? When I walked back in to the bare kitchen, it now had some rudimentary appliances, old-fashioned looking in odd pastel colors. The stove was pink. I started playing this game of ducking out and back in, as the scene kept adding things every time I did so. I am irritated now as this should've been a BIG lucidity cue. Argghhhhhhhh!

Then a friend showed up and insisted I drive downtown with her. I kept telling her I didn't want to go, as I was having fun, but she herded me into a small car and off we went. I kept arguing with her that I wanted to go back to my new apartment and find the landlord. When she stopped at a light, I jumped out and started walking back. It was raining but I now had a raincoat on, and was positive I could get back on my own.

Messages In This Thread
Organic Appartment - by Goldengirl - 08-23-2015, 08:43 AM
RE: Organic Appartment - by Goldengirl - 08-23-2015, 11:39 AM
RE: Organic Appartment - by Goldengirl - 08-24-2015, 06:41 PM
RE: Organic Appartment - by Eagle1 - 08-24-2015, 09:33 PM
RE: Organic Apartment - by Goldengirl - 08-25-2015, 11:52 AM

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