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P1_05 Sherriann_DF: October '14 Headlines CLOSED
P1_05A A political decision, newly passed law or comment creates a political divide among the citizens that results in an armed confrontation. Possible location: Mexican Border or Nevada. Timing: October

Bit time HIT....
Obama May Cut Deportations
Length of Time in U.S., Family Ties to Others in Country Are Expected Criteria

Laura Meckler

WASHINGTON—The White House is considering two central requirements in deciding which of the nation’s 11 million illegal immigrants would gain protections through an expected executive action: a minimum length of time in the U.S., and a person’s family ties to others in the country, said people familiar with the administration’s thinking.


P1_05B Russian Military Drill Appears to Simulate a US Invasion. Possibly jet fly byes near the US that breach International air space and/or ships in International waters. Timing: October


NATO vigilant amid spike in Russian flights

ATHENS, Greece (AP) -- NATO is increasing its readiness and air policing following a spike in Russian air force activity in Eastern Europe, the alliance's new chief said Thursday.


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RE: P1_05 Sherriann_DF: October '14 Headlines - by siyotanka - 10-30-2014, 08:05 PM

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