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CameTrue 8/27/15 Red Alert: Subliminally Cruel
Trending: subliminal cruel abundance earliest killer pic lane non childhood dreams sing lucky laying wed free symbol mind style rex japanese blonde language stuff example sight bottle hug far day while hey along driver arrive fades dangerous charge pier traffic part
Waning: gonna lay night riding son theme lots void including shoot prison clearly thanks bird simple threw figured believe caught blank higher tar portal closest request sickness plenty palace smoke wolf adventure guide mon island star

<----- DISCUSSION ----->
Subliminal has some support (blue arrows) and Cruel does too (orange arrows). If the top part of this run is to be taken as a single event, it looks as if a cruel childhood memory remains stuck in the subliminal parts of the mind. We’re looking for a PIC, probably of the killer. Oh, and there will be an Abundance of pictures!

Half way down the run is “Japanese Blonde.” There isn’t any substantial web content for “Blonde Japanese,” so I simply await something along these lines.

Overall, this is a very Jungian run, complete with Symbol, Mind, and of course, big-time surging "Subliminal."

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8/27/15 Red Alert: Subliminally Cruel - by Eagle1 - 08-27-2015, 05:24 AM

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