09-11-2015, 03:54 AM
To Julie's question, of course, we can still post, and interact with all those assembled in this forum. My reading of Eagle1's message is that he will be very much "behind the scenes" now ... maintaining the Web site and software, but not posting to each and every thread as frequently as before. And the botruns will be less frequent, but I am sure he will not let the entire Proj. September go to waste; just has to consider it now in light of his new priorities. Another forum I have visited for close to a decade, the moderator used to post letters DAILY for years, but then at the beginning of 2015, had to begin posting letters weekly, due to work and family changes. And now, he is taking the entire month of September off (and it is a forum which has followed the predictions of this September rather closely too). In a way, I am glad for the break there, and I hope all who visit (and post) here will be equally glad for (and honor) Eagle1's decision, and honesty. It is never easy to be honest, and to step back. While he did not use this word, whenever anything becomes an "addiction" or "obsession," it is wise to step back and take account. What is necessary, and what is not? (Considering everything else is one's personal life.) There is always some regret, some sadness, but easier then to see all that as temptations from the Enemy of our souls. For any who are worried about the future of this forum, or feel cheated, it is time for forgiveness, and patience. Using Windy's term from another thread, that is the only way to find balance. No time to be snarky or sarcastic (though I also honor the use of expletives, to emphasize a point). Let's see what grace brings about now, in each of our lives.