Two dreams came true- no scores for now.
WHAT - misbehavior and fighting in a military academy
supportive botrun- pillow destiny sick
WHERE Somewhere with bright fall colors like the Northeast or Va. Events took place at Westpoint in the Northeast.
WHEN DREAM- 2/9/15 event- 9/5/15 (7 months later)
WHAT Foxes.two appear metaphorically trying to uncover something hidden about to Jump out- fox felt metaphoric.
on 9/15/15 this unfolds:
Headlines about a new Executive Order on FOX news (which has a parent company Twentieth Century FOX, a news corporation) as well as CNN.
Two (crafty and wily) White House advisory/researchers influence this exec order for government agencies to carry out behavioral experiments on American public. WHO gave them permission to experiment on me without my informed consent?
WHERE walking a path through a wooded glen. Event that took place was in DC but affected the entire country.
WHEN- dream was on 8/12/15 three weeks later on 9/15/15 the news about the two scientists and the behavioral control project was published.
make that three dreams-
WHAT - Incubation about water, moon, fox :
My deceased mother sent me to the store to get her some cigarettes. I had to pass through walls of water with floating debris and people to get there.
cut/paste from dream-
Wow, gee- where did that water come from?
Inundation- lots of people in the water, furniture, debris. How will I get across this mess?"
The both passed over in New Mexico, that told me location, Southwest.
The desert has little or no water. What is there is now unusable. Why the wave and devastation there are no large bodies of water around for a tsunami event in that location?
supportive headlines:
"To the south, a wall of water and debris hit two vehicles, killing a dozen in that incident "
WHERE southwest in the dream. Actual was a flash flood in Utah, AZ.
WHEN 8/12 &13 (seemed to last all night) event was 9/16/15
WHAT - misbehavior and fighting in a military academy
supportive botrun- pillow destiny sick
WHERE Somewhere with bright fall colors like the Northeast or Va. Events took place at Westpoint in the Northeast.
WHEN DREAM- 2/9/15 event- 9/5/15 (7 months later)
WHAT Foxes.two appear metaphorically trying to uncover something hidden about to Jump out- fox felt metaphoric.
on 9/15/15 this unfolds:
Headlines about a new Executive Order on FOX news (which has a parent company Twentieth Century FOX, a news corporation) as well as CNN.
Two (crafty and wily) White House advisory/researchers influence this exec order for government agencies to carry out behavioral experiments on American public. WHO gave them permission to experiment on me without my informed consent?
WHERE walking a path through a wooded glen. Event that took place was in DC but affected the entire country.
WHEN- dream was on 8/12/15 three weeks later on 9/15/15 the news about the two scientists and the behavioral control project was published.
make that three dreams-
WHAT - Incubation about water, moon, fox :
My deceased mother sent me to the store to get her some cigarettes. I had to pass through walls of water with floating debris and people to get there.
cut/paste from dream-
Wow, gee- where did that water come from?
Inundation- lots of people in the water, furniture, debris. How will I get across this mess?"
The both passed over in New Mexico, that told me location, Southwest.
The desert has little or no water. What is there is now unusable. Why the wave and devastation there are no large bodies of water around for a tsunami event in that location?
supportive headlines:
"To the south, a wall of water and debris hit two vehicles, killing a dozen in that incident "
WHERE southwest in the dream. Actual was a flash flood in Utah, AZ.
WHEN 8/12 &13 (seemed to last all night) event was 9/16/15