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9/7/15 Red Alert: Hostile Arrows to (or from) another Dimension
bow hostile arrow object catching dimension target - I believe this has to do with the following amazing story.

Last month, a wild elephant and two of his friends were attacked by poachers. Wounded by poisoned arrows, they trudged across the African landscape to the one place that could help them: the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (DSWT).

Though the wild elephant had never been a resident at DSWT, he knew elephants who had. He had mated with two former orphans who were raised at DSWT's Ithumba Reintegration Centre, who now lead their own wild herd. In 2011, he fathered babies with them, whom DSWT named Mwende and Yetu.
And DSWT is certain he knew this group of humans meant help.

Anna Breytenbach is an animal communicator who has extensive knowledge of elephants through many years of communicating with them.
"Elephants are connected to each other in an expanded family sense and are also very connected to the collective consciousness and to the earth energy. They also appear to have chosen a deliberate interface with humankind. They are an “indicator species” and are thought to be gauges of human consciousness. The way we handle elephant conservation can be interpreted as how far we have advanced as a species. Through conflict situations with humans they show us what we humans need to see...
Another important aspect to their wisdom is that they hold on land what the whales hold in the sea. They are working “trunk in fin” with the whales as keepers of ancient wisdom and knowledge. As the elephants walk the gridlines and leylines rumbling their songs, so the whales weave the earth energy lines together under the sea with their calling and their songs. The stability of the earth’s grid depends on these two species being allowed to do their very important, selfless work."

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RE: 9/7/15 Red Alert: Hostile Arrows to (or from) another Dimension - by twiceblessed9 - 09-18-2015, 05:36 PM

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