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Does anyone know....
Nanny, you bring up a couple of good questions that I have seen others mention, and I have to some extent tried it. That is 'dream focusing'. I have tried to prep myself before I go to bed with 'centered and focused questions' (e.g.: 'is a bad geological event coming to earth?' or 'will xxxxxxx win this political position at election time?') I have focus during the 'fading moments' before deep sleep come, but as I go to sleep, I go into totally unassociated topics not relevant to the question prepped for.

To be truthful, it 'feels' like someone saying, 'your questions are totally unimportant, but you have importance and we will show you what WE need you to see'. In fact, it feels just like being a child in a classroom who wants to watch the TV and learn about the elephants, but the teacher has to put the TV up, because 'we must now learn about math and english, which are important'.

To this point, I have many times (since I read about the proposed 'foreign troops on U.S. soil') focused on this topic. I have seen several 'scenarios', but over years of time, it has come to one thing - They are NOT going to be a major focus, regardless of the prep and staging they have done.

I have seen the 'Russian and Chinese' invasion - back when I was 12, at the height of the Cold War. I had a week, night-by-night, that I saw the war, the invasion that came. Each night was like a 'mini-series' of what would come. I even know what role I was to play in this 'great story'. BUT, something changed around 1999. It was like that whole 'concept' was 'scrapped' (like a major motion movie house decided to destroy a script, go back to the drawing board, and re-write the whole thing after the initial PR work was done - they had to keep the cast, crew and general concept, but they had to re-write the actual minutia of the story because it was headed into a bad X-rating, or it was insulting to a major force, like another nation, where they didn't want to do this). Suffice it to say, 'the story everyone thinks they have an idea of, has been re-written'. This is my take on 'what's coming' (yes, it kind of reads like 'they are wrong, and I am the only one with the new information' - but I don't have the information either, other than to say that invasion thing isn't a facet anymore).

Is there a big script-writer in the sky, and is the religious words he gave the world merely a top-level outline that he can 'finally flesh-out' when he decides to? Is that how he can 'tell you exactly what's going to happen, yet hide it from evil so it can't be defeated?' Maybe so, I don't know.

All I have seen in recent years is a lot of troops and intent. Occasionally an opening salvo, but consistently there is something, SOMETHING, that happens that either scares them, or causes them a re-think (Yellowstone erupting, Ebola, etc.?) that makes invasion a 'no longer lucrative' event for them, and they quickly, and gladly retreat. It doesn't mean we beat them back. In fact, I've never seen a formal war in America (this does NOT address the Middle East, which DOES have wars). We have mob chaos, we have bad, BAD events, we have MONSTERS (that is another macabre story entirely - and definitely other-worldly), and then we have NOTHING. We are the equivalent of a SUPERFUND site. No one wants the hassle, and no one has use for the few here they could save. The remainder are ON THEIR OWN. No one can afford to help, and we aren't worth it.

Invasion? I am saying past a 1-2 week (short, broken, etc.) potential assault (that is not clear), we are NOT invaded (i.e.: it will NOT be another WWII). I have seen our highest level government fly to Europe, some given seats of authority there. I have seen our leaders fly away to save themselves while they promise to 'review and continue their fight to help us'. I have seen the majority cry for help, and wait for the government to help them, while their government does not. I have seen horrors that I'd rather not discuss here (truly, the Dark Ages will have NOTHING on what I have seen us revert to, before it is over).

BUT, I have seen no sustained troops (even black-uniformed police or paramilitary of our own making), past the first few weeks. Whatever is going to happen in the U.S. is so overwhelming, threatening, scary, devastating; that those who can, flee. Those who can't predominantly give up and wait for rescue, and the rest of the world writes us off.

I'm thinking massive meteor impact, which opens up to only one dream that I have had that I am not sure what I saw - nuke, asteroid, comet? But it hits a coastal area - and MELTS IT for hundreds of miles. Not a 'dino killer', but by my guess, probably 1/4 the size of that one. Either one MEGATON nuke strike, or a massive asteroid, none-the-less. This does more than destroy that city, it sets off a chain reaction (read my Apocalypse of End, which this would therefore fit), where Yellowstone erupts, then the West Coast slides into the sea (the counterclockwise destruction I describe in AofE Revistied).

One last FYI, a common theme in all 'after the event' dreams (which I have also had), center on three problems - WATER (thirst), FOOD (hunger) and SAFETY (atmospheric debris protection). I keep seeing me thirst, but moreso, hungry (seems wild animals and fish are a 'no longer here' scenario. As for safety, I keep seeing winds like on Venus or Mars, 200, 300 mph, scouring winds and debris falling. I see me PUT into a cave by some force. I have more than once heard 'you will be safe in this place'.

Again, it seems that my dreams all center around one central theme - and I am not allowed to be my own guide, but if on-topic, I am allowed to ask questions pertinent to what I am shown.

I could say more, but this is scary enough. There is a lot more to this, than I probably need to disclose. If it is all true and accurate, there's a LOT of bad and not a lot of good, for a long time. I also have contention with some of what I've seen, because it seems to foster a religious connection that I am not so sure of personally.

Hope this helps.

- Trapper -

Messages In This Thread
Does anyone know.... - by Sherriann - 10-31-2014, 12:06 AM
RE: Does anyone know.... - by esholars - 10-31-2014, 09:08 PM
RE: Does anyone know.... - by Eagle1 - 10-31-2014, 11:02 PM
RE: Does anyone know.... - by Trapper - 11-01-2014, 01:04 AM
RE: Does anyone know.... - by Trapper - 11-02-2014, 05:51 AM
RE: Does anyone know.... - by Sherriann - 11-12-2014, 01:11 PM

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