Trending: famous shadow laid stealing closet business level desert italy given bar copy actor cool drawing boring sense excited alone lucid multiplier except makes man insane people placed actions amusement tears lately assistance might think stadium riding let badly toilet rest
Waning: situation passed hot flight chest childhood design fair although earth higher fish first step ran camera brain bear vivid days thanks toddler entry spirit subconscious laugh mon energy missed powerful jealous aim proper request tom
famous shadow laid stealing closet business level desert The Shadow is stealing something [private business? skeletons in the closet?] leaving a desert in its wake.
italy given bar copy actor Italy gets a fake lawyer/politician from some other place/group.
cool drawing boring sense excited Someone is drilling and boring, and what comes back up is cool
sense excited alone lucid multiplier, except makes man insane could be related to what is discovered during the drilling/boring mentioned above.
people placed actions amusement tears lately
assistance might think stadium riding, let badly toilet rest
situation passed hot flight chest Is someone carrying live bombs/missiles in their airplane? military or commercial?
childhood design fair although earth higher This smacks of a childhood space science fair, on the ISS?
higher fish first step ran camera brain bear
thanks toddler entry spirit subconscious This seems related to the Shadow idea, the Archetype newly showing up is in a toddler stage, and it's loose in the Subconscious.
laugh mon energy, missed powerful jealous aim, proper request tom The Shadow laughs with monstrous energy, missing whatever it had aimed at, it will try again tomorrow.
Waning: situation passed hot flight chest childhood design fair although earth higher fish first step ran camera brain bear vivid days thanks toddler entry spirit subconscious laugh mon energy missed powerful jealous aim proper request tom
famous shadow laid stealing closet business level desert The Shadow is stealing something [private business? skeletons in the closet?] leaving a desert in its wake.
italy given bar copy actor Italy gets a fake lawyer/politician from some other place/group.
cool drawing boring sense excited Someone is drilling and boring, and what comes back up is cool
sense excited alone lucid multiplier, except makes man insane could be related to what is discovered during the drilling/boring mentioned above.
people placed actions amusement tears lately
assistance might think stadium riding, let badly toilet rest
situation passed hot flight chest Is someone carrying live bombs/missiles in their airplane? military or commercial?
childhood design fair although earth higher This smacks of a childhood space science fair, on the ISS?
higher fish first step ran camera brain bear
thanks toddler entry spirit subconscious This seems related to the Shadow idea, the Archetype newly showing up is in a toddler stage, and it's loose in the Subconscious.
laugh mon energy, missed powerful jealous aim, proper request tom The Shadow laughs with monstrous energy, missing whatever it had aimed at, it will try again tomorrow.