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10/2/15 Mini October
(10-02-2015, 10:38 AM)Eagle1 Wrote: Trending: mini october silicon zone favourite valley stadium feminine feed danger focusing killer impossible rushed loved excitement broken headed road taylor steep office pressure campus walking container pissed slip exactly engine dress breathe strong writing away murder preparing cause take dream
Waning: somewhat fear yard etc boy managed action hour round filled great fight energy mountain random view regular epic ladies pain mutual sun death release keeping glad hey request hope industrial thank escape portal experiment September

Hmm, this run is chattering about my homestead again among other things...
mini october silicon zone favourite valley We've a flurry of gadget upkeep to do after our recent moves, still partly ongoing
feminine feed danger focusing killer This is an odd echo of a dream I had last week where someone was instructing me in being a covert operative for some unknown group. that dream was so intense and vivid since i was picking up and learning new techniques that I was actually late for my office job!
impossible rushed loved excitement broken headed road our move was rushed and felt impossible, losing some weekends due to headaches
taylor steep office pressure campus walking container I'm starting a new and large project at my work where I'm the one leading the project team.
pissed slip exactly engine Truck engine is slipping more, time to retire it.
dress breathe strong writing away I need to keep writing our own Reality, stay the course.
murder preparing cause take dream only if I let an outside influence be successful will it kill our dream plans.

somewhat fear yard etc We're nervous about our stuff in the yard(s) since it could be stolen
boy managed action hour round filled our kid is organising fun activities on his own. good for him, it's about time.
great fight energy mountain random view there's gonna be one epic battle upcoming this month.
regular epic ladies pain mutual sun death releasethis month might see one or both of my parents die
keeping glad hey request hope industrial Maybe we find a buyer for my industrial property, hope is high for that
thank escape portal experiment September If september was some kind of weird experiment, i'm glad it's done because it really sucked. well at least I didn't die or destroy everything in my path!

Messages In This Thread
10/2/15 Mini October - by Eagle1 - 10-02-2015, 10:38 AM
RE: 10/2/15 Mini October - by Sherriann - 10-02-2015, 12:24 PM
RE: 10/2/15 Mini October - by Eagle1 - 10-02-2015, 12:44 PM
RE: 10/2/15 Mini October - by Sherriann - 10-02-2015, 12:50 PM
RE: 10/2/15 Mini October - by Shadewolf - 10-02-2015, 06:16 PM

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