Eagle 1 the bot runs are beginning to TALK to us now. Nostradeceous-like lingo aside- what got my attention is the TWO's.
Now remember the thread I put up about POWER and TWO- my itch is that when we start to see two's to pay attention.
There is a powerful force at work.
Onto the next point, again with the two's- it might be the black magick played out by dark forces here folks-
the ones who can carry out WEATHER WARS-
Troy Gowdy, the talented prosecutor turned Congressman for South Carolina
is due to head up a hearing for Benghazi calling Hillary C. as key witness on..drum roll............... October--> 22.
There are TWO Carolina's (and 2 dakotas maybe THIS is the dakota in disguise).
Interesting that when one connects the dots that officials are kept busy in that state with a distraction of
FLOODING, a major water meme of late.
Will our tenacious chairman of the Benghazi committee be too
distracted with his waterlogged constituents and damages to hold a hearing in TWO weeks?
Fox News interviews Trey Gowdy on Clinton email scandal (He discovered the emails in his investigation of the embassy attacks)
Oh by the way- Gowdy is quite BLONDE and now HIGH PROFILE with what is coming up.
just saying
p.s. Great connecting the dots TB9 I love the action- like playing mahjong. Good instincts.
You should go into forensics.
Now remember the thread I put up about POWER and TWO- my itch is that when we start to see two's to pay attention.
There is a powerful force at work.
Onto the next point, again with the two's- it might be the black magick played out by dark forces here folks-
the ones who can carry out WEATHER WARS-
Troy Gowdy, the talented prosecutor turned Congressman for South Carolina
is due to head up a hearing for Benghazi calling Hillary C. as key witness on..drum roll............... October--> 22.
There are TWO Carolina's (and 2 dakotas maybe THIS is the dakota in disguise).
Interesting that when one connects the dots that officials are kept busy in that state with a distraction of
FLOODING, a major water meme of late.
Will our tenacious chairman of the Benghazi committee be too
distracted with his waterlogged constituents and damages to hold a hearing in TWO weeks?
Fox News interviews Trey Gowdy on Clinton email scandal (He discovered the emails in his investigation of the embassy attacks)
Oh by the way- Gowdy is quite BLONDE and now HIGH PROFILE with what is coming up.
just saying
p.s. Great connecting the dots TB9 I love the action- like playing mahjong. Good instincts.
You should go into forensics.